OK the New Year was awhile ago, and it is hard to believe that it will be March 1st tomorrow.
I have been sewing so many things since November. I have lost track of all that I have done and sadly I have not gotten up a white board to use for taking my pictures. Needless to say I have not gotten the perfect pictures of what I have done. I will post some of the better pictures I have of some of my projects. It is sad when you don't have that picture to remind you what you have made. It really helps having the pictures. So you can see what you want to make again, and to see what you want to change on the bag. I guess when I get a few days to get it up and running I will start getting those great shots again.
I used OCD Obsessive Crafting Disorder tutorial for the Mini Messenger. I really like how it turned out. A very good tutorial, and easy to make. She has a few other tutorials I think I will try. I had fun with the hardware on this purse, it is a new Magnetic snap that I haven't tried before. It has a post that comes out a hole in the magnetic part and lines up on the outside of the magnetic.
The mini messenger from OCD Obsessive Crafting Disorder.